Outlet Baltimore


a social event for the people

Outlet Has Moved

If you’re looking at this, you’re seeing the old site for Outlet Baltimore. The new site can be found at outletbaltimore.tumblr.com. A lot has changed in two years. Join us!

Filed under: Uncategorized

Outlet’s Friends Are Having An Event Of Their Own

Hi, folks. Long time no talk. How are you?

News on the next Outlet will be coming soon. We’re targeting September still, and we’re going to have something new to offer.

In the meantime, our friends at mp3car are having an event for hackers, technophiles, and anyone interested in such things. If that sounds like you, learn more here.

See you soon.

Filed under: Events

Outlet Is Sleeping (But Just Until September)

It’s true: we’re taking the rest of the summer off. Giving Outlet space to breathe and spending some time brainstorming on how to grow, improve, and generally make the event as good as it can be.

To that end, suggestions are welcome. If there’s anything you’d like to see just let us know. We’re open to suggestions from wherever we find ’em.

Thanks to everyone who came to the first batch of Outlet events. We hope to see you again in September when we roll out #5, new and improved.

Enjoy the summer.

Filed under: Events

Outlet #4: 06/30 at the Windup Space

Edit: the time for the event is 6-8 pm

Outlet Baltimore #4 is just around the corner. For this installment, we’re headed to the Windup Space at 12 W. North Avenue in the Station North district of Baltimore. For a map and directions, click here.

In addition to the new venue, we’ve added some cool stuff this time around. To wit: door prizes.

We’ll be giving away four 3-packs of Field Notes Brand notebooks (which are unspeakably cool) and two tickets to The Stoop Storytelling Series (likewise awesome).

That’s in addition, of course, to the chance to connect with Baltimore’s creative and tech communities that is the reason Outlet exists in the first place.

Questions? Comments? Leave them below and we’ll be happy to let you know.

Looking forward to seeing you there.

PS – you can follow us on Twitter and, now, on Facebook as well.

Filed under: Events

Outlet Baltimore #3: Dougherty’s, 05/12

We’re excited to announce that Outlet Baltimore #3 will take place next Tuesday — May 12th — at Dougherty’s Irish Pub on Chase Street (same location as #2). We’ll be walking the walk and talking the talk from 6-8 pm.

Outlet is all about community. Making connections, putting faces to screen names, and hopefully laying the groundwork for great things. If you work in any creative or tech field — advertising, web development, marketing, PR, fine arts, crafting, etc — then Outlet is for you. And for your friends.

If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments below and either Steve or I will answer you asap. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Filed under: Events

Outlet #2: Twitter Love & Roll-call

Reflecting on last night’s get-together, I’m wowed by what an evolution of communication Twitter is. In organizing Outlet, we’ve probably put in no more than a single hour of time for any given event, yet each time, more people show up. One or two tweets a day for the week preceding the event is enough. I think Twitter is a fantastic medium for making real connections, so if you aren’t using it yet, sign up for an account, and see what you think.

To facilitate keeping in touch, @samtaters suggested making a list of Twitter handles of everyone who came to Outlet last night. The nametags were small, and it’s hard to remember a lot of names after a beer or ten, so I think it’s a great idea.

As such, here are the people I know who were there, off the top of my head:

Stephen Goodman – @stephen_goodman
Neal Shaffer – @slantsixneal

If you weren’t included in this list, and you came to Outlet last night, please leave a comment with your name and/or handle, so people can track you down.

Thanks again, and talk soon!

Filed under: 1

Reminder: Outlet’s Not Just Tech

On the fence about Outlet? Not sure it’s for you?

I’ve heard a lot of folks lately refer to Outlet as a “tech” event, and I’ve even seen a couple of people question whether or not they should go based on that criteria.

We certainly do love the tech community, but I wanted to point everyone back in the direction of the Official Outlet FAQ:

What do you mean by “New Media pros”?
Basically anyone who works in the creative and/or tech fields who uses New Media and/or Social Media. Web developers, marketers, advertising pros, writers, designers, etc.

Am I welcome even if I’m not a New Media pro?
Of course! New Media pros are the target audience, but we don’t discriminate.

In other words, Outlet is a big tent. So if you’re thinking about coming but wondering “Is Outlet for me?” the answer is: yes. Yes it is.

Filed under: Events

Outlet #2 – Tuesday, 3/24/2009

Hello, hello! Our next meet-up is going to be held at Dougherty’s in Mt. Vernon on 3/24/2008, starting at 6pm. If you haven’t made it to our previous gatherings, I’ll try to convince you to come to this one! At past Outlets, we’ve had great conversationalists from near and far, including people from:

  • First Mariner Bank
  • R2Integrated
  • US Lacrosse
  • Fastspot
  • all manner of design, media and technology companies

That list only had four companies on it! Think of how easy it would be to have your company on the top of the next list. Just come talk to me, Steve Goodman. I’d be happy to add your company, if the money is right! I kid, I kid.

So, come get the pulse of the Baltimore new media community, meet some great people and have a drink. We’re looking forward to seeing you there. If you’ve got any suggestions, drop us a line, or leave a comment.

Filed under: Events

Outlet #1B: Wednesday, February 11th

Great news for folks kept at bay by last week’s ice storm: we’re doing it again on Wednesday the 11th.

It’s the same deal as before, 6-8 pm at Rocket to Venus with $2 off pitchers of Yuengling and Resurrection. Good times and good conversation with fellow members of Baltimore’s creative/tech community (writers, designers, tech folks, ad agency and PR pros, etc). The semi-interrupted “first” Outlet was a great success despite the weather and we’re looking forward to continuing to grow.

Check the “about” page to learn more. If you have any questions beyond that, just leave ’em in the comments and we’ll answer them there. Looking forward to seeing you.

Filed under: Events

I Second That Emotion

Steve pretty much covered it already, but I wanted to make sure to also send a hearty thanks to those who made it to Outlet #1A last night. It was a great group of folks, and if it’s any kind of a sign of things to come then we’re onto something really, really good.

We’re looking at 02/11 for #1B — stay tuned.

Filed under: Events

Have questions? Need advice? Want to help out with making Outlet happen? Email info[@]slantsixcreative.com and we'll get back to you asap.